Our Specialist Employment lawyers

Natalie Kedge, Employment Solicitor & Director

Natalie Kedge set up Baileyfields in 2004 after noticing a shortfall in the number of firms offering specialist employment law services in the South East. Natalie's understanding of employment law issues is second to none, having experienced first hand the difficulties both employers and employees face in the workplace, she also brings a good deal of support and empathy to her clients.

Natalie practises as a solicitor but initially qualified as a Barrister and remains a member of Middle Temple. After several years working for large city firms in London, Natalie decided to  qualify as a solicitor and spent eight years as a solicitor and partner with a practice in the City of London, where she honed her specialism in employment law. Natalie is a member of the Employment Lawyers Association.

Meet our solicitors in London, Kent & Sussex  

Our Associate Solicitors

We have an association with Gordon Turner at Gordon Turner Solicitors. Gordon qualified as a solicitor in 1993 and has focused solely on employment law for over 25 years. Gordon's main focus of work is acting for employers and advising on Settlement Agreements.

Gordon shares Baileyfields' ethos of achieving first class results for clients

Need advice? Call us today & speak to a specialist lawyer

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The Panorama

Park Street,


Kent TN24 8EZ


Orega Gatwick

City Place


Sussex RH6 0PA



60 Cannon Street




26 Kings Hill Ave

Kings Hill


Kent ME19 4AE


Lime Tree House

Lime Tree Walk


Kent TN13 1YH

Tunbridge Wells


Pantiles Chambers

85 High Street

Tunbridge Wells

Kent TN1 1XP

Baileyfields Employment Solicitors are authorised & regulated by the SRA our number is 403745. Details of our professional indemnity insurance are available on request. Baileyfields are a limited company registered in England. Company number 5154925. Website copyright Baileyfields Solicitors Ltd 2024

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