Specialist legal advice for cOT3 agreements

If your employer or the Respondent has offered to settle your dispute or claim by way of COT3 terms then it is important that you take legal advice before you settle your dispute or claim to ensure that you are obtaining the best possible terms and compensation. Contact us for expert advice without charge or obligation to see how we can help you with your workplace dispute or Tribunal claim.

What is a COT3?

A COT3 is a legally binding agreement which has been reached by the parties with the involvement of an Acas officer

A COT3 can either be used to record an agreement before or after the issue of an Employment Tribunal claim.

How is a COT3 different to a Settlement Agreement?

A COT3 is usually only 2-3 pages whereas a Settlement Agreement tends to be much more comprehensive, settling all and every claim and is usually 15-20 pages long.

There is no requirement to obtain legal advice before signing a COT3, whereas obtaining legal advice is mandatory before a Settlement Agreement can be legally binding.

Because legal advice is mandatory before signing a Settlement Agreement, legal fees are usually paid by the employer or Respondent, it is not always the case that an employee or Claimant will be paid their legal fees if they chose to take legal advice regarding a COT3.

A Settlement Agreement can be used where there is no dispute between the parties, for example if an employer wishes to pay the employee an enhanced redundancy payment.

Our employment lawyers are experienced advisors on COT3 agreements

If your employer or the Respondent has offered to settle your dispute or claim by way of COT3 terms then it is important that you take legal advice before you settle your dispute or claim to ensure that you re obtaining the best possible terms and compensation. Contact us today for expert advice without charge or obligation to see how we can help you with your workplace dispute or Tribunal claim.

Need advice? Call us today & speak to a specialist lawyer

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The Panorama

Park Street,


Kent TN24 8EZ


Orega Gatwick

City Place


Sussex RH6 0PA



60 Cannon Street




26 Kings Hill Ave

Kings Hill


Kent ME19 4AE


Lime Tree House

Lime Tree Walk


Kent TN13 1YH

Tunbridge Wells


Pantiles Chambers

85 High Street

Tunbridge Wells

Kent TN1 1XP

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