Bullying and harassment at work
Tunbridge Wells
Bullying and harassment at work. Specialist advice and guidance.
Bullying or Harassment at work can be traumatic and make going to work unpleasant, it can also impact on your mental health and lead to sickness and absence from work. As bullying is secretive in nature, you may not have evidence of what is happening to you. You should therefore keep a diary of events of what is said and how this has made you feel, as incidents occur.
Examples of bullying and harassment at work
When your employer criticises you for trivial or unfair reasons
Your Employer unfairly blocks you for promotions
When colleagues exclude you from work activities
Your employer overloads you with work & sets you up to fail
When you are made the butt of workplace jokes
How is harassment different from bullying?
Harassment is still bullying but relates to a personal characteristic, most often as a result of your race, sex, religion or sexual orientation.
Your employer has a duty to protect you under The Health and Safety at Work Act and so they are legally responsible for dealing with bullying and harassment in a timely & sensitive fashion.
If you are the victim of bullying or harassment at work and your employer is not dealing with it or taking it seriously, we can help. Our solicitors have experience in dealing with bullying at work and will work to resolve it for you, call today for a free initial consultation.
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