Managing sickness absence. Guidance for employers

It is a fact of working life that employees will be absent with sickness from time to time, however when absence is not due to genuine sickness or it is prolonged, it can be a difficult situation to manage, both for other employees who are covering the workload of the missing employee and also financially for the company.

In such situations it is essential to ensure that sickness absence is managed fairly and sensitively, thus ensuring that you do not discriminate against an employee who is absent because of a disability related reason.

If you have an employee whose sickness absence is becoming problematic for your business and you need guidance as to how to deal with the issues, contact us today to ensure your business is protected against the risk of litigation.

Our specialist employment lawyers regularly work with employers across all business sectors providing advice on managing sickness absence

We are skilled at advising managers and business owners how to manage sickness absence, both in relation to long term absence and also in relation to repeated short term absences. We will work alongside you to guide you through a fair capability process and the steps you need to follow when dealing fairly with sickness absence.

Need advice? Call us today & speak to a specialist lawyer

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The Panorama

Park Street,


Kent TN24 8EZ


Orega Gatwick

City Place


Sussex RH6 0PA



60 Cannon Street




26 Kings Hill Ave

Kings Hill


Kent ME19 4AE


Lime Tree House

Lime Tree Walk


Kent TN13 1YH

Tunbridge Wells


Pantiles Chambers

85 High Street

Tunbridge Wells

Kent TN1 1XP

Baileyfields Employment Solicitors are authorised & regulated by the SRA our number is 403745. Details of our professional indemnity insurance are available on request. Baileyfields are a limited company registered in England. Company number 5154925. Website copyright Baileyfields Solicitors Ltd 2024

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